At Jacaranda we aim to offer carpets and rugs of real character, so as our portfolio has grown, we have moved towards natural materials woven by traditional methods. We believe that it is these labour intensive processes that actually create our characterful textures and wonderful, natural colour bank.

All the floorcoverings within the hand-woven carpet and hand-woven rug sections of this website are created on traditional wooden looms. Their creation involves large numbers or highly skilled artisans and rigorous quality control, as the pictures here demonstrate.

We believe that pure wool still makes the best carpets. The elasticity of good quality wool gives excellent resilience and wear properties. Its fibres are covered in a thin membrane which inhibits water penetration, so providing natural stain resistance. Wool is naturally flame retardant. It holds less static than most synthetic yarns so does not attract dust, or promote the growth of dust mites or bacteria.

At a fraction of the price of silk, we also weave viscose into some ranges, a natural fibre spun from cellulose. Viscose carpets and rugs look like beautiful silk velvet, but are not as hardwearing or stain resistant as wool. Jacarandas Simla and Santushti are hand-woven from lustrous TENCELĀ®, also spun from cellulose, its fibres reflect light to look like silk. TENCELĀ® wears better and is more water tolerant than viscose, but is not recommended for wet areas. It can be professionally cleaned with care.

At Jacaranda we often receive compliments such as we love the naturalness of your colours or you have just the right tones. In great part this is due to our natural, undyed wool products. We are able to offer such a wide range of undyed colours by sourcing different wools from around the world.
Please check that handmade floorcoverings are right for you or your client.

We choose to use labour intensive processes and natural fibres to reduce the environmental impact of our carpet production. We believe also, that they are responsible for our characterful textures and beautiful, natural colours. We love the slight quirkiness that can only be handmade.

However these handmade characteristics so highly valued by many, do not appeal to all. Hand-weaving and hand-knotting cannot and do not set out to mirror the uniformity of machine made carpet. Those wanting a perfectly uniform finish should consider something machine woven from Jacarandas machine made collection.

At Jacaranda we take quality control very seriously, and each roll and rug is checked and rechecked to make sure that it falls within industry tolerances. However slight variations in colour, weave and pile weight are inevitable and part of their 'handmade character rather than faults. Natural fibres may fade over time, especially if exposed to strong light.

Rajgarh - Charcoal [+]

Category: Rajgarh Hand Woven
Roll width: 4m and 5m
Pile weight: 100% natural undyed wool
Suitability: heavy domestic or general contract
Reference: FL-Rajgarh - Charcoal
Admin: 7818


Please call 01277 210 645 for prices

Rajgarh - Cloudy Grey [+]

Category: Rajgarh Hand Woven
Roll width: 4m and 5m
Pile weight: 100% natural undyed wool
Suitability: heavy domestic or general contract
Reference: FL-Rajgarh - Cloudy Grey
Admin: 7811


Please call 01277 210 645 for prices

Rajgarh - Dappled Grey [+]

Category: Rajgarh Hand Woven
Roll width: 4m and 5m
Pile weight: 100% natural undyed wool
Suitability: heavy domestic or general contract
Reference: FL-Rajgarh - Dappled Grey
Admin: 12924


Please call 01277 210 645 for prices

Rajgarh - Eggshell [+]

Category: Rajgarh Hand Woven
Roll width: 4m and 5m
Pile weight: 100% natural undyed wool
Suitability: heavy domestic or general contract
Reference: FL-Rajgarh - Eggshell
Admin: 7806


Please call 01277 210 645 for prices

Rajgarh - Gunmetal [+]

Category: Rajgarh Hand Woven
Roll width: 4m and 5m
Pile weight: 100% natural undyed wool
Suitability: heavy domestic or general contract
Reference: FL-Rajgarh - Gunmetal
Admin: 7815


Please call 01277 210 645 for prices

Rajgarh - Silver [+]

Category: Rajgarh Hand Woven
Roll width: 4m and 5m
Pile weight: 100% natural undyed wool
Suitability: heavy domestic or general contract
Reference: FL-Rajgarh - Silver
Admin: 7808


Please call 01277 210 645 for prices

Rajgarh - Tusk [+]

Category: Rajgarh Hand Woven
Roll width: 4m and 5m
Pile weight: 100% natural undyed wool
Suitability: heavy domestic or general contract
Reference: FL-Rajgarh - Tusk
Admin: 7807


Please call 01277 210 645 for prices

Need help - please contact us on 01277 210 645 or email us on info@floorlinesdirect.co.uk